
Marna is an amazing coach who truly cares about her clients. Her passion and caring nature are a part of her gifts she shares while helping me explore and bring my dreams into reality. I'm so grateful for all the time we spent working together.

~ Patricia


During my phone sessions with Marna, she held an amazing space that welcomed both discussion and reflection so that I could dig deeper into myself. She's a true guide and I'm grateful to her for all she's offered me. She sincerely cares about the well-being of her clients and wants them to feel as empowered as possible through this work.  And my goodness, she succeeds in spades…This work has forever changed my life!

~ Sarah


I really couldn't have found myself a better coach. Marna is wonderful. She's got an inviting personality that excites you about possibilities and makes you feel like she's your teammate. She was the perfect balance of keeping me on topic and exploring tangents as they arose. Every call with Marna left me feeling there's nothing I couldn't do.

~ Tara


I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Marna.  She listened to me without judgment and helped me gain confidence. I learned healthy coping strategies for dealing with stress, how to access a wider range of emotions, all while learning about what my top values were so that I could align my life and work with those. It was a very beneficial experience, especially at a time where I was feeling so lost and scrambled. It allowed me to gain clarity and show up for my family, friends and coworkers as my best self.  

~ Jess


With Marna’s guidance, I have been able to find clarity on what truly matters to me. She has empowered me to focus on my passion, while providing insight and encouragement along the way. Thank you, Marna!

~ Abby


Marna really listens to what I’m saying. She asks the difficult questions, but there’s always this feeling of safety, love and gentleness the whole time. Marna is the ultimate cheerleader: she’s genuinely interested in me moving forward, in living my Greater Story. This is deeply impactful coaching, and I absolutely recommend it to everyone - you’ll want to invest time and energy in this!

~ Jessica


Marna was a calming soul who allowed me to recenter myself and reconnect with, and focus on, my priorities. THANK YOU!

~ Pascale

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